Because of what pimples occur

Because of what pimples occur? If you come face to face with such a widespread problem, it would be desirable, of course, inquire first, causing pimples and both of them, ill-fated, get rid of acne that formed the blue spots, the reasons may be different. Should undergo a thorough examination proper under the strict guidance of experts or by identifying certain symptoms, understand everything yourself.

But, of course, the first option is more sensible as you not only determine the causes of acne, but also minimize the process of treatment: doctor did not give bad advice and tells exactly what and how to treat it.

Acne: their causes, an overview – Factors which affect the appearance of your skin, causing pimples, can be reduced to such a minimum list of four main points:
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Overly strong and abundant generation of oil by the sebaceous glands,often the causes of acne on the face and body are all in it. Fat oxidation leads to the formation of unsightly blackheads, but by itself it contributes to pollution and clogging of pores, which is the “root of all evil.”

Follicular hyperkeratosis – This terrible “abstruse” name describes this process in the human body, in which the upper (the so-called – horny) layer of the epidermis increases. Skin cells together with excess sebum form plug-comedones; acne, and the causes of which are being investigated

The safest methods of acne preventions

One of the safest methods of acne preventions are described as follows:

•    Washing the face decoction of herbs – These should include herbs chamomile and calendula. They disinfect the skin and calming effect on inflamed areas.

•    Facials – A good option is a mask of honey with added aloe juice. Honey dries the skin and is considered a treasure-trove of vitamins and minerals. Her scarlet tones and has a “pull” effect.
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By means of healing should include antiseptic preparations, some of which are antibiotics. They have a devastating effect on pathogens, but also capable of destroying favorable microflora. Quite often, treatment for acne becomes hormonal drugs. And it does not mean that such drugs are only hormonal contraceptives.

In any case the choice of method of treatment depends on the nature of their origin. A wrong method can lead to the aggravation of the situation. Therefore, when choosing its desired consultation with a specialist, in particular dermatologist.

This is true even in cases where the treatment will take place yourself using folk remedies.

If you do decide to use these or other means without consulting a specialist, it should be remembered that the deterioration or pimples do not disappear, consult doctor – is inevitable.See my Profile

Why formed pimples on the face, back, shoulders, temples, cheekbones, reasons and grounds: digest problem.

Season Inside American Football and Diet

Hi friends, one day in my previous article I told you about American football in the off-season diet . Today I will talk about the difference in the high season of the diet .

Click to access the off-season diet .
Unlike diet season outside high season

Intensive training program to keep up with more carbohydrates
The injury occurred more frequently against sulfate, protein and vitamins
Experienced more fluid and electrolyte losses of water to support
Lighter and stronger body

is required. In a previous article we have created and will add interest to your diet plan with foods high season we will create a diet program .
Season inside and out What we add to our diet will:
Off-Season Season Learning

Breakfast :

+150 G to 50 g of muesli are adding more . Muesli 200g
+1 I add eggs (-1 yellow ) . 6 eggs (1 yellow)
3 slices of bread not ever completely.
If there is no one scale protein powder +2 +2 eggs or 1 cup egg protein powder
Night after breakfast we take a multi- vitamin to have transferred

What did we achieve?

Increase the amount of muesli and bread because we have reduced the need more energy during the day anymore.
Our energy needs has also increased in line with our protein needs have increased the number of eggs to meet it .
We meet our vitamin and mineral needs .


+50 Grams was added to chicken 200g chicken salad fixed amount
We’ve added another 1.5 +0.5 units boiled potatoes boiled or baked potatoes
-1 Fruits do not have any fruit .

What did we achieve?

To increase the amount of protein have increased the weight of chicken .
Remove the potatoes to fruit , adding that we have to guarantee our energy supply .
To change the balance of power in the day of our fruit took off.


-100 Grams of chicken fish or chicken, fish or red meat red meat 200g
Skim fat-free vegetable dishes vegetable dishes or steamed vegetables or boiled vegetables
1 light yogurt we have ever
1 bowl of rice porridge

What did we achieve?

2 Reduce the amount of meat snacks have to transfer to .
Life changing our source we have not forgotten .
Light yogurt , we reduced the amount of calories we take subtracting .

+ Snack 2 ( new meals )

200 grams of chicken
0.5 boiled potatoes
1 cup unsweetened green tea

What did we achieve?

Taking additional protein for muscle growth, the amount of protein that we have received our needs .
have received for our pre-workout carbohydrates .
Unsweetened green tea have antioxidant and fat burning benefit from the impact .

After training and Dinner:

1 piece of fruit ( forbidden sugar cubes ) 1 piece of fruit
200 grams of chicken meat 200 g of fish or chicken
Baked potato Baked potato or rice porridge or rice porridge
1 cup light corn flakes and milk do not have any corn flakes and milk
1 mineral water

What we won

Banning sugar cubes will enter our bodies and our energy will corrugate moved away from sugar .
We meet our needs with meat protein .
Baked potato or rice porridge without carbohydrate will remain open until the morning we nourish our bodies .
Cornflakes and milk due to caloric load was removed.
Adding mineral water minerals we lose we’re done.

Before sleep

If there is no one scale protein powder 3 egg whites 1 cup egg white protein powder if there is no 3
Chondroitin sulfate

What did we achieve?

Protein supplements to nourish our body until the morning of the last named.
Our joint sulfate have received the support needed to .

So what do I do before the game ?
Now let us explain:

Continue straight to your normal diet .
Matches will lose excess water and more water than normal for days ( 4-6 cups ) .
If you feel yourself powerless until game time (3 hours prior to starting ) 15 g of dark chocolate every hour to consume.
Before the match I never drink coffee . This lets you lose more water . Sports drinks can drink during the day there is no limit in the match .
Noon nap will make will strengthen you ( as long as it does not disrupt your diet ) .

Advice / Warnings:

Weighed before and after the match after the match , you must meet your weight loss ( if you do not know how to do here ) .

This diet for a while you can get tiring . Because there is no simple sugars in the diet . Sugar used to but after a while your body will alarm you when buying your body more tired now and will have a stronger body . Remember, the most important factor here is patience .

Vegetables at dinner , you are free . As in the off-season diet restriction. (of course, one kilo of tomato and cucumber etc. .. unless you are eating large amounts )

This diet is designed for athletes between about 90-120 pounds . Other weight ratio in the range of weights portions athletes should increase or decrease .

If you continue for many years to leave you with a simple sugar can be somewhat difficult . One way of coping with this is chromium supplements . I will write an article for it at a later time .

Every aspect of athletes with injuries : Elbow

Every aspect of the series 2 athletes with injuries Welcome to write . We have already referred to the shoulder injury last spell . In this article, although not as frequently as the shoulder injury that is very stubborn and frustrating will examine other types of disability :

Elbow injuries often experienced as will the four headings .

lateral ( tennis elbow )
medial ( golfer’s elbow )

Now ‘s a long way to explain 🙂 Let’s start but at other types of disability ongoing ‘ll explain in my writings .

Lateral ( Tennis Elbow ) :
Tennis elbow tendons view

Tennis elbow tendons view

Tennis elbow protruding facing the outer side of the elbow is characterized by pain in the lateral is a problem. Move from the forearm and wrist tendons of the muscles adhering to the elbow injury that occurs in this special is not just for athletes . Intensive use of the hand in a multi-business group is also often emerges . Heavily used together with the forearm muscles of the muscle tendons of the muscles and / or inflammation and pain occurs in the tendon sheath .


Outside of the upper arm and the elbow. this type of pain that occurs on the bottom of the wrist is propagated towards
When lifting an object , grasping the arm pain when bending or something to be felt .
The lower part of the arm from the elbow forward well be difficulty in overtime .
With elbow pain sensation to touch the bottom edge .
Tension in the muscles of the forearm .
Unable to fully extend the arm open .
. of generally 6 to 12 weeks in duration The uncomfortable feeling that will last up to a year and 3 weeks .

How do I protected ?
Keep your muscles strong forearms . This will reduce the stress that occurs on your tendons .
After warming do not forget to stretch the forearm muscles
When working with your forearms , use the right technique .
Especially if you are playing tennis backhand found the right technique .
Training or post-study competitions stretching movements follow the forearm .
Any object grasping careful to look at your body, your palms .

Cold cure tennis elbow pain is felt to be the first responders to do .
Anti-inflammatory drugs ( aspirin , ibuprofen, naproxen and -based topical anti-)
Specifically for tennis elbow bands
Surgical treatment of stubborn injuries

medial ( golfer’s elbow ) :
Golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is similar to the medial ( golfer’s elbow ) elbow on the inside of the joints around the tendon injury and inflammation associated with. golf and baseball players encountered in the last golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow , similar to many parts of society from the many people faced is an inconvenience.

Elbow pain on the inside (usually during activity or after intensive use ) .
Pain increases during flexion of the wrist and often spread into the forearm .
Weakness in the muscles during flexion of the wrist
Wrist pain while resisting.

How do I protected ? and Treatment

The prevention and treatment of tennis elbow include the same title .

The normal elbow bursa

Normal elbow

Elbow to elbow bursa between moving normally smooth skin and bone tissue and hard bone layers of the skin with no apparent disconnection is a fluid-filled sac . Infection of the sac is called bursitis . bursitis ( elbow formed in the bursitis to cases of bursitis name is given ) , bladder swelling in the elbows and behind the soft , fluid-filled follow-up giving the audience the form görülür.baz capillaries of the bursa into the blood stream with red-purple color may occur. Bursitis usually blows reason , open fractures, ongoing pressure and metabolic diseases.

Swelling behind the elbow with pain and temperature
Stiffness of the elbow joint
In some cases, infection-related complaints

How do I protected ?
The duration of the activities that put pressure on your elbow , avoid upset
Be careful not to blow your elbow
Try to keep your metabolic diseases under control .

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Draining the liquid contents of inflamed bursa
Bandages and dressings
Finally stubborn bursa bursitis in patients surgically removed .

Yes friends, I have come to the end of writing . They will not be injured athletes to all my brothers I wish a long life sport

Each organ has its own emotion – Kidneys are the center of our body

If you notice that there tanušan voice, the doctor was clear that the patient lung power at a low level. His red eyes indicate a fire in the liver and the yellow in the face of a lack of blood and spleen energy.

If a woman cannot get pregnant, it is estimate the energy of the left and right kidney.
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According to medicine, the root cause of illness, and emotions, and each organ has its own emotion. For lung cancer is associated sadness, anger liver, kidney fear, concern for the stomach. Each organ has its own flavor. Lung love spicy and pungent, sour liver, spleen, sweet, salty and kidneys

Authorities believe the Chinese doctors have their energy direction. energy is called chi and depends on the blood, and doctors of Chinese medicine say that the blood of the mother energy, and energy boss levels.

Health and Fitness-Herbs for wounds bruises, cuts

Friend of skin

Hundred grams of fresh flowers washed allowed standing overnight. Then put them in a transparent glass bottle and pour the oil, preferably olive. Cover the bottle with gauze and secure with a rubber band.

Allow to stand for 40 days in the sun, periodically check that all the flowers are covered with oil, then drain well and flowers oil through cheesecloth, press the little flowers to let all the oil they have. , pour oil into a dark bottle and close. Keep the leaves in a dry place, not in the refrigerator. Hyperacid quality oil is dark red, almost purple color.

Burdock and yarrow for festering wounds
Take 10 grams of comminuted leaf thistle and pour half a liter of water. Allow the acid for five hours, then simmer to boil for 10 minutes. Court cover it, let the tea cool, then strain. This tea is washed festering wounds.

Fresh yarrow, wash in cold boiled and cooled water. It’s good to mash so obtained, squeezed juice rinse the wound several times a day. At the same time the wound can be snuggled and fresh plantain leaf.

If you bee stings, wasp or mosquito stabbed place cover with a cotton swab or cloth well moistened with fresh juice of plantain.
If you put a plantain leaf in shoes will cure blisters

Herbs for wounds bruises, cuts

Spending time in nature, the fresh air, is recommended and indispensable ally to human health. However, he’s got his second, downside, because the risk of injury then much higher. Fortunately, the nature of growth and medicines for wounds, bruises, burns, cuts …

When hit, cut down, burn, you do not need immediately to the pharmacy. Try herbal teas and salves
LIST OF plantainAbout Women’s Health Www.Health.Producrate.Com

Person who cut down on any part of the body should be snuggled up to it the juice of a list of men’s or women’s plantain or yarrow. preference which of these plants is used, the juice is prepared as follows: Wash the leaves in cold boiled and cooled water. Then get a good hammer out and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a clean cloth that is dried in the shade. Thus prepared juice put on the wound. plantain can be used by simply a cut snuggled plantain leaf.

It is good and coltsfoot
As a substitute for plantain can be used coltsfoot. It is used by the list of opera, smeared with grease or oil and put on Slaughter, cuts, and the festering sore of the body. BURNS soothes and LIPA hundred grams of flower or leaf linden pouring a liter of boiling water, cover and leave to stand for three hours. Drain and pat burnt spot.

It is popularly used for lubrication cuts and burns, wound healing. You can prepare yourself. We propose two ways. Air dry the top of the plants put in the oil and keep the sun from 30 to 40 days, more blush. For the second method of preparation using fresh leavesWomen’s Health Blogs

Some of the berries and plants are your choice

This is a list of herbs that you can use every day.


Chokeberry helps to childhood diseases, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, stomach inflammations, allergies, skin diseases, and of regulating blood pressure. Aronia is a great help in distress due to:, pressure, stomach pain, migraines, high blood sugar. Free Dr. Darwin Smith Review Report

The fruit of this fruit, because of its antioxidant properties, it is great for relieving stress and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Thyme is a medicine and a spice. Get into the various preparations against the common, particularly against pertussis. The essential oil is due to the presence of thymol and carvacrol has antiseptic valuable means. Thyme, its oil, and thymol are administered especially against intestinal parasites.

Prevents bloating, soothes spasms and acts against fermentation in the intestines. Already a small amount of parsley may cause digestive processes. Gently stimulates menstruation. It must not be used in inflammatory processes in the kidney.

Matter from the drain beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa, causing the juice, jam, tea and other products from mature drenjina given as a medicine to treat diarrhea and other diseases of the digestive organs.
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Has a similar effect and bark. Sweet, syrup, jam and juice from ripe drenjina are very nice treat, and at the same time, and medicine that takes everyone happy.

Discomfort for your eyes

MD. Kristina Ph.D., graduated from the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno. In 2003, she joined the Pediatric Ophthalmology, University Hospital Brno, where she worked until July 2009. Since 2008 worked as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, MU Brno and devoted herself to teaching medical students and students of optometry.

Specialize in the field of refractive surgery, strabismus, pediatric ophthalmology, and treatment of diseases of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye.

She is the first woman in the Czech Republic, which began to perform laser surgery Nitric using fetor second laser (August 2009). Together with the chief physician of Lucy are the first women in the Czech Republic, who performed the surgery refractive error by exclusively using felt second laser method Neo LASIK 3D (RELEX) in September 2010.
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“Although it does not appear to the eyes is dangerous not only direct sun, but often also a reflection of UV radiation, especially in the summer by water,” says Kristina physician Eye Clinic Neo Vise.

“Dangerous but are also lower doses of sunlight in the morning and the afternoon, when some people are put off sunglasses. Though I do not notice any discomfort, it can be harmful influence of UV radiation occur early after the occurrence of some diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, etc., “says the doctor.

Contact lenses absorb chlorine

The doctor Kristina

“With amazement I see every summer, how to run pools parents with sunglasses, but their small children do not have any eye protection. Children’s spectacle even the smallest sizes exist, but you will not find in any optics,” answered one of the questions from Kristina Eye Clinic Neo Vise.

Jena of the questions involved and the price level glasses. It is possible to identify by price, whether glasses are good?Check My Reviews Rusty Moore Scam

“It depends on the manufacturer and the brand of glasses.

Direct correlation Not that glasses for 5000 crowns are better than those that cost thousands. Personally, I have a few quality sunglasses, affordable ranging from 1500 CZK up,” she said
The doctor also warned against swimming with contact lenses.

“Swimming is a one-day lenses, possibly combined with swimming goggles. Contact lenses absorb chlorine and are multi-day, dramatically reducing the time of wearing. Peek into the water with his eyes open can of course nobody tells you to. While bathing in natural waters is a significant risk infection, which may extend to minor eye injuries when applying the lens to the cornea, “explained.
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Not good eye protection underestimated irreversible changes may occur not only on the surface of the eye, but also in its internal structures. UV radiation can contribute to the damage or disease of the cornea, the conjunctiva, retina and its center (called the macula)